For the 5th year in a row, New Zealanders have rated them as #1 for service.
Service matters in this day and age of what is generally “poor service”. Their New Zealand Managing Director Bryan Thomson says, “It’s truly an honour to be awarded the Reader’s Digest Quality Service Gold Award for real estate agencies for a fifth consecutive year”.
With a proud legacy that can be traced back to 1888, Harcourts will continue to provide the best possible service for prospective home buyers. They provide real estate, managing investments and rentals to provide quality service for those looking for expertise.
Their skilled staff across the globe gives them access to a wide referral and marketing network, as well as local professionals who have deep knowledge of the areas where they live and work. Collaborative partnerships with their clients lead to the development of strong relationships and increased performance in the future.
He says, “It’s a vote of confidence from New Zealanders and one that we don’t take for granted.” Harcourts Real Estate Australia has also been operating since 1977. Harcourt’s property management is also a major part of its operation.
Although born in England, Melbourne man, John Bateman, was a man ahead of his time. He changed the real estate industry forever. He moved to Wellington as a 21-year-old and worked in a soft goods business.
Later on, he bought the company and changed the name to Harcourt & Co. turning it into a property services business and eventually the company we know today.
The company is also very proud of its people. In 2003, company man, Mike Green was invited to join the New Zealand Business Roundtable. This organisation is a business leader in New Zealand.
Later, they were welcomed into the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World network. Something the company is extremely proud of. A leader for the company in real estate Harcourts Wellington is well known in the Wellington region.
Harcourts Auction and Harcourts Rentals are now well known and compete with the likes of Bayleys Real Estate, Property Brokers and Lodge Real Estate, not to mention many others. Harcourts rural is a very active part of their operation.
Harcourts Hamilton and their real estate agents Hamilton & Christchurch Real Estate are some of their most successful offices.
Harcourts NZ real estate is very active in the community and very generous. The Harcourts team in Whanganui has also been active in the community and supports the HOSPICE NZ GRANTS PROGRAMME. The runner-up was Professional Real Estate.
People often ask… What is Harcourts Commission? Well if you can find out please let me know as they keep it a well-guarded secret but generally, most agents seem to charge about 4% on the first $400,000 and 2% on the remainder.
The real estate market has become more competitive so it pays to negotiate as most agents are prepared to reduce their commissions to get the listing. offers a wide range of property listings. You will find listings from all REINZ agents in New Zealand. For all the Latest News Views and Real Estate Events go to
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